Newsletter - November 21, 2023

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Video: Rejoice with Baba Ganoush

My dear brothers and sisters,

Our pleasure to share a delightful recipe for Baba Ganoush. The main ingredient is our alive, organic tahini. It imparts creamy smoothness. Another ingredient is our California Farm Olive Oil. Baba Ganoush will go so well with the other foods on your Thanksgiving table, enhancing their flavor and aliveness.

We’re in the midst of our Cyber Week Sale. 15% off our nut and seed butters.10% off everything else. Earn double loyalty points with every purchase.

Imagine a bowl of jujubes as the centerpiece of your Thanksgiving table. These beautiful Chinese date apples will intrigue your guests arousing their curiosity and sense of culinary adventure.

We pay homage to the profound Native American heritage  of our nation with an insightful and instructive discussion of the myths surrounding Thanksgiving.

Then the people with Together We Harvest tell how they feed their family with a 20 x 40ft garden plot. This is a tribute to how even the smallest of garden spaces can become wondrously productive; compost combined with intentionality makes every difference.

Finally, Optimizeme Nutrition guide us in overcoming sacopenia, the loss of muscle mass, as we age.

May we wish you and family  a celebratory Thanksgiving of abundance, joy and vibrant good health,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: 3 must-have sweet potato recipes (easy, vegan, and healthy!) by Two Spoons

Back in Stock!

Take a look at these wonderful products now back in stock!

Living Tree Community Foods raw, alive and organic Jujubes are grown for you by Judith Redmond with Full Belly Farms, an outstanding family farmer in California. Jujubes are red outside with a crispy texture, edible skin, and a sweet-tart flavor. Experience their refreshingly pleasant flavor.

Ziziphus jujuba Chinese date apples have been cultivated in China for more than 4,000 years. Jujubes contain a wide array of nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, copper, niacin, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, and iron. They contain 20 times more vitamin C than any citrus fruit, strengthening the immune system and fighting infections.

Jujubes contain the free radical-scavenging phenol puerarin and the flavonoid apigenin (also found in chamomile, thyme, and red wine). They also contain antioxidants. Jujubes are also loaded with 18 of the most important amino acids, which aids in the formation of more than 50,000 proteins in the body.

Video: A Celebration of Heritage: Native Americans - The True History of Thanksgiving by Gwinnett County Public Library

Video: How We Feed our Family with a 20x40 ft. Garden by Together We Harvest

Video: On the Fight Against Sarcopenia: Strategies to Maintain Muscle Mass as We Age by OptimizeMe Nutrition