Newsletter - June 6, 2023

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Video: Chia Strawberry Mango Pudding for Breakfast? Why not?

Dear brothers and sisters,

Ben, our favorite gardener, guides us in showing what to plant in June. He gives some hints on planting intensively so there is always room in your garden. We note that  farms all over the US have been hit by a string of disasters. For example most of Georgia's peach crop has been destroyed by bad weather and Florida’s orange harvest is going to be much smaller.  That's why Ben’s example is more cogent than ever; let’s plant that Victory Garden!

Next there a wonderful recipe for  chocolate date balls using only Medjool dates, walnuts, Cacao powder,Chai seeds and salt.

We invite you to take us on a tour of your springtime Victory Garden and win a Gift Certificate of $150.

This week’s special is our Alive, organic Pistachio Butter, regularly $18.99 now $15.99.

If alive, organic food, supporting family farmers,Victory Gardens, restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley and preserving the buffalo resonates with  you, may we suggest that you consider doing a summer internship with us.

We then present  Dr. David Perlmutter interviewing Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT. She talks about her investigation of the relation of the escalating growth in the use of glyphosate, an all pervasive herbicide and the surge of autism.

The explosion of life in the Cambrian epoch millions of years ago  is an enigma for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin himself acknowledged that the fossil record apparently contradicted him but felt that with more complete data he would be vindicated. Over 160 years have passed and the Cambrian explosion stands in contradiction to the Darwinian scenario of gradual evolution.

We trust you’ve been edified by our newsletter and we welcome your comments.

May you and family thrive in good health amidst this springtime of hope and joyful renewal,

Jesse Schwartz PhD
Living Tree Community Foods

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Video: You Must Sow These in June by GrowVeg

Recipe: Chocolate Date Balls

recipe image from remote site

These 5-ingredient chocolate date balls make the perfect healthy snack that tastes like a chocolate brownie! All you need is a food processor and 15 minutes to make this tasty recipe!


  • 1 1/2 cups pitted medjool dates
  • 1 cup walnuts (plus optionally an extra 1/2 cup crushed walnuts for rolling)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
  • pinch of salt

Victory Garden Contest

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Brothers and sisters,

There is no question but more Americans are embracing the wisdom of the Greatest Generation and planting Victory Gardens. After all there were 18 million Victory Gardens here during the Second World War.

We would very much like to see your garden. Please take us on a tour. We invite you to submit to us a video.

Our pleasure to award a gift certificate of $150 toward our products for the most empathetic. To us enthusiasm is electric!

Contest ends June 15th.

Email your entries here.

June Victory Garden Sale

10% off this month’s featured items (Remember, if you buy 3 or more of any Living Tree manufactured product, you get an additional 10% off!)
Cashew Butter - Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Cashew Butter is created in Berkeley, California from organic cashews and our raw organic Almond Oil. It is produced slowly, in small batches, to give it a wondrous, creamy texture. It’s perfect when paired with cucumbers, celery or even peppers. It’s also a great topping for fruits and desserts. What a delightful way to add some variety to your lunches!

Brazil Nut Butter - Alive and Organic

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Brazil Nut Butter is created in Berkeley, California from alive, raw brazil nuts gathered by native people in the rain forests of Amazonia. We make it by slicing raw brazil nuts into a luxurious spread and then seasoning it with a little Royal Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. Brazil nuts are energy dense and highly nutritious. A great source of concentrated dietary selenium.

Living Tree Community Foods Organic Yellow Cornmeal is grown in Oregon and stone-milled in Burlington, Washington. Established in 1974, the mill is a small family-run business aligned with Hummingbird values - supporting local growers, aiming to supply high quality wholesome foods, focused on organic, and expanding their gluten-free flours.

Announcing Our Summer Internship Program


Are you considering a career in the organic food industry?   Why come to Berkeley and  work with us this summer? You’ll be working side with us on sales and marketing both domestic and international. You’ll also be helping with social media. We’ll be sharing with you our decades of experience with live food diets, vigorous exercise and intermittent fasting. We’ll be visiting some organic farms and maybe a field trip to Yosemite and the High Sierras. 

Join us then in making almond butter from almonds grown by a California farming family of five generations on the land!

Moreover,Berkeley is an axis of the intellectual world. The great university here has more Nobel Laureates than any other.

If alive, organic food, supporting family farmers,Victory Gardens, restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley and preserving the buffalo resonates with  you, may we suggest that you send us an email along with your resume.

Send your resume here.

Interns are paid a stipend to help with day-to-day expenses.

Video: Impact of Glyphosate on Our Health - with Dr. Stefanie Seneff

The Cambrian Explosion Is Real, and It Is a Problem for Evolution by Casey Luskin

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(Evolution News) An email correspondent who is friendly to intelligent design (ID) recently wrote us asking how to respond to common objections to ID arguments about the Cambrian explosion. He was engaged with an interlocutor was making all kinds of contradictory “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” objections that were simply factually inaccurate and are belied by mainstream scientific experts.  

Stephen Meyer addressed these points in detail in Darwin’s Doubt with thoroughly researched arguments well backed by the scientific literature. This made it very easy to defend his arguments, which we’ve done across numerous articles here on Evolution News. The points made below by our friend’s interlocutor are simplistic and don’t reflect what leading Cambrian experts really think. But they are very common objections and so we compiled this FAQ to help address common misconceptions about the Cambrian explosion. 

Claim: “There was complex animal life before the Cambrian so it does not represent the origin of many types of animals.”

Steve Meyer addressed this topic extensively in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Darwin’s Doubt, and Figure 2.5 in his book is a thoroughly researched and conservatively argued take on exactly how many animal phyla predate the Cambrian period and how explosive the Cambrian explosion was. Bottom line? At best only three animal phyla arose in the Precambrian and some twenty arose in the Cambrian period. But given problems with many claims of Precambrian animal fossils — especially bilaterian animals — the Cambrian period is probably even more explosive than that.

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